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Raab G., Vieira G., Migoń P., Tikhomirov D., Christl M., Egli M., Scarciglia F. (2024). Multi-millennia surface dynamics: Novel investigation approach unveils climate relation to mountain erosion (Serra da Estrela, Portugal). GeomorphologyDOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109416



Raab G., Egli M., Norton K.P., Martin A.P., Ketterer M.E., Tikhomirov D., Wanner R., Scarciglia F. (2022). Soil weathering dynamics and erosion in a dry oceanic area of the southern hemisphere (Otago, New Zealand). Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-23731-7


Raab G., Dollenmeier W., Tikhomirov D., Vieira G., Migoń P., Ketterer M.E., Christl M., Stutz J., Egli M. (2022). Contrasting soil dynamics in a formerly glaciated and non-glaciated Mediterranean mountain plateau (Serra da Estrela, Portugal). Catena. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106314



Raab G., Adam P.M., Norton K.P., Christl M., Scarciglia F., Egli M. (2021). Complex patterns of schist tor exposure and surface uplift, Otago (New Zealand). Geomorphology. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2021. 107849



Raab G. (2019). The Tor Exhumation Approach – A New Technique to Derive Continuous In-Situ Soil Erosion and Surface Denudation Models. Dissertation. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.29904.87043


Raab G., Egli M., Norton K., Dahms D., Brandová D., Christl M., Scarciglia F. (2019). Climate and relief-induced controls on the temporal variability of denudation rates in a granitic upland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44(13): 2570–2586. DOI: 10.1002/esp.4681


Yu F., Hunt A., Egli M., Raab G. (2019). Comparison and contrast in soil depth evolution for steady-state and stochastic erosion processes: Possible implications for landslide prediction. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20. DOI: 10.1029/2018GC008125



Egli M., Hunt A.G., Dahms D., Raab G., Derungs C., Raimondi S., Yu F. (2018). Prediction of soil formation as a function of age using the percolation theory approach. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8: 108. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00108


Raab G., Scarciglia F., Norton K., Dahms D., Brandová D., de Castro Portes R., Christl M., Kletterer ME., Ruppli A., Egli M. (2018). Denudation variability of the Sila Massif upland (Italy) from decades to millennia using 10Be and 239+240Pu. Land Degradation and Development 29: 3736-3752. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3120


Portes R., Dahms D., Brandová D., Raab G., Christl M., Kühn P., Ketterer M., Egli M. (2018). Evolution of soil erosion rates in alpine soils of the Central Rocky Mountains using fallout Pu and δ13C. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 496: 258-269. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.06.002


Ganyushkin D., Chistyakov K., Volkov I., Bantcev D., Kunaeva E., Brandova D., Raab G., Christl M., & Egli M. (2018). Palaeoclimate, glacier and treeline reconstruction based on geomorphic evidences in the Mongun-Taiga massif (south-eastern Russian Altai) during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Quaternary International 470: 26-37. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.12.031



Raab G., Halpern D., Scarciglia F., Raimondi S., Norton K.P., Pettke T., Hermann J., de Castro Portes R., Aguilar Sanchez A.M., & Egli M. (2017). Linking tephrochronology and soil characteristics in the Sila and Nebrodi Mountains, Italy. Catena 158: 266-285. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2017.07.008 



Egli M., Hafner S., Derungs C., Ascher-Jenull J., Camin F., Sartori G., Raab G., Bontempo L., Paolini M., Ziller L., Bardelli T., Bardelli, T., Petrillo M., Abiven S. (2016). Decomposition and stabilisation of Norway spruce needle-derived material in Alpine soils using a 13C-labelling approach in the field. Biogeochemistry 131(3): 321-338. DOI: 10.1007/s10533-016-0281-x 


Höllen D., Klammer D., Letofsky-Papst I., Raab G., & Dietzel M. (2016). Synthesis of hierarchically structured materials: microporous diatoms and nanoporous hydroxyaluminosilicate. Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering 1(1): 9. DOI: 10.1007/s41204-016-0009-0 



Mogessie A., Hauzenberger C., Raic S., Schantl P., Belohlavek L., Ciriello A., Daghighi D., Fercher B., Goetschl K., Graber H., Mandl M., Preissegger V., Raab G., Rauschenbusch F., Sattler T., Schorn S., Simic K., Wedenig M., Wiesmair S., Melcher F., Prochaska W., Mali H., Binder H., Dietmayer-Kräuter M., Friedman C., Haas M.M., Hampl F.J., Hanke G.E., Hasenburger W., Kaltenbock H.M., Onuk P., Pamsl A.R., Pongratz K., Schifko T., Schilli S.E., Schwabl S., Tauchner C., Wallner D., & Hentsche J. (2015). A Geological Excursion to the Mining Areas of South Africa. Mitt.Österr.Miner.Ges. 161: 175-219.  






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